Nov 19, 2018 | Anxiety, Depression, featured, Insomnia, Pain, Testimonial
Alpha-Stim® is so effective at treating anxiety, insomnia, depression, and pain that the U.S. Military relies on it to care for our country’s Servicemen and Servicewomen. Alpha-Stim is an integral part of the U.S. Navy pain management program, as well as the William Beaumont Army Medical Center’s holistic approach to treatment. Alpha-Stim is offered at more than half of the nation’s VAs.
While the Department of Defense certainly knows the benefits of Alpha-Stim, we sometimes receive letters from individual Service Members who want to share their unique success stories. What follows is one such example.
I suffered my brain injury on Nov 8th, 2003 in Sadr City, Iraq. I got into a hand-to-hand fight with an Al Quida cell leader, and during our altercation one of my breaching charges exploded, killing him and knocking me unconscious. My right shoulder was dislocated, my right hip broken, as well as my L4/L5 vertebrae. I lost my hearing in my right ear and was blind in both eyes for about ten days from the flash burns, as well as suffering burns to my throat and fragmentation injuries up my right side. 📷The United States Navy Sea, Air, and Land Teams, commonly abbreviated as Navy SEALs, are the U.S. Navy’s primary special operations force and a component of the Naval Special Warfare Command.Until earlier this year I suffered from the effects of the blast due to the TBI and the complications resulting from the post-traumatic stress (PTS). I have always been able to manage the PTS by working out daily and avoiding situations that cause me anger and hostile thoughts. Mostly I spent time alone and stayed silent in order to avoid confrontation. Like many people, I tried pills, alcohol, fasting, yoga – you name it. I kept my issues to myself and dealt with them but noticed my depression, hopelessness, and rage were getting worse. Two years ago, I contemplated suicide after my business failed, my wife got breast cancer, and I was fired as a football coach for helping a family in need over the Christmas holidays. Coaches aren’t allowed to buy gifts or donate money to players they directly coach in the state of Washington. All this happened in a four-month period and, as you can imagine, it was very difficult for me. I have never spoken to anyone about this and only do so now because I never have to meet you. I’m a proud man and a highly decorated Navy SEAL and I have always carried my own backpack. In June, I heard about Alpha-Stim from a SEAL Facebook page. I had sought help via the VA numerous times but to no avail. I contacted someone from the NMC relief association in San Diego and flew down to see if it worked. During the first treatment, I felt like I was stoned and for the first time in years I didn’t have a headache. I could barley walk when it was over, and I slept like I had never slept before. The second treatment, the next day, I cried and cried. I saw my children playing in the front yard, I saw my daughter climbing trees, I had memories I hadn’t had since before the war and again I slept. The third treatment was probably the hardest for me to understand. I had a very violent war memory but this time, instead of it filling me with hatred and rage, I felt mostly nothing. Instead of remembering the event I remembered the laughter we had just before it happened. I have used the device since then, although not as religiously as I should; but the one thing I’ve noticed is that after every use I sleep, and I wake up much happier. I don’t have conspiratorial thoughts of people out to get me. I have what I consider normal, boring days. So I wanted your team to know that I’m truly thankful to have something that didn’t require me to take a pill or have to talk to feel better. My family thanks you as they all find me much easier to be around. Thank you for all you do. Have a great day. D.C. SEAL / MTS Ret.
Alpha-Stim is a non-drug treatment that brings clinically significant relief to nine out of ten users. Since it is not a medication, there is no risk of addiction or lasting side effects. Alpha-Stim is an FDA cleared, handheld medical device that is available by prescription in the U.S. and over the counter in other countries. Its effectiveness is backed by over 100 independent clinical research studies – and scores of success stories like the one above.
Alpha-Stim uses cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES), delivered in a patented waveform through earclip electrodes, to treat anxiety, insomnia, and depression. For acute, chronic, or post-traumatic pain, two handheld smart probes use microcurrent electrical therapy (MET) to bring relief directly to the site of your pain. Relief is long lasting and often immediate, and treatments are as brief as 20 minutes – so you can on with your day, feeling your best.